java script

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It is a high level,interpreted,scripting language that conforms to the ECMA scripting specification.It main purpose for creating web pages.
It design by Brendan Elich. It standalone language in Netscape. It is used made dynamic and special effect on page rollover.roll our and many types of graphics.

Today, java script can execute not only in the browser. But also on server, or actually on any device that has a special program call JS.
Today java script has a unique  position as the most widely-adopted browser language with full integration with html, css
There are many languages that get transpired to JS  and provide certain features . It is recommended to take a look at them, at least briefly after the mattering JS.
     JavaScript to program the behavior of web pages

In HTML, JavaScript code must be inserted between <script> and </script> tags.

JavaScript: A Quick DefinitionJavaScript is a scripting language used to create and control dynamic website content, i.e. anything that moves, refreshes, or otherwise changes on your screen without requiring you to manually reload a web page. Features like:
  • animated graphics
  • photo slideshows
  • autocomplete text suggestions
  • interactive forms

An even better way of understanding what JavaScript does is to think about certain web features you use every day and likely take for granted—like when your Facebook timeline automatically updates on your screen or Google suggests search terms based on a few letters you’ve started typing. In both cases, that’s JavaScript in action.

1. What Is JavaScript? A Detailed Explanation
  • If you’re hoping to break into a career in tech, your question might sound more like: “What is JavaScript and do I need it?”
  • When most people learn to code, they start with good old HTML and CSS. From there, they move on to JavaScript. Which makes sense! The three elements together form the backbone of web development.
  • For those not familiar:
  • HTML is the structure of your page—the headers, the body text, any images you want to include
  • CSS controls how that page looks (it’s what you’ll use to customize fonts, background colors, etc.)
  • JavaScript is the magic third element. Once you’ve created your structure (HTML) and your aesthetic vibe (CSS), JavaScript makes your site or project dynamic.

A scripting language like JavaScript (JS, for those in the know) does the heavy lifting by telling computer programs like websites or web applications to “do something.” In the case of JavaScript, this means telling those dynamic features described earlier to do whatever it is they do—like telling images to animate themselves, photos to cycle through a slideshow, or autocomplete suggestions to respond to prompts. It’s the “script” in JavaScript that makes these things happen seemingly on their own.


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