Ubundu tools
01.pwd :- present work directory
02.cd :-change directory
03.cd .. :- Back directory
04.ls :- display the folders
05.mkdir :- create the folder
06.rmdir :- remove the folder
07.cd+ ↳ :- back main folder
08.claer :- give more space
09.gedit :-open note pad
10.rm -R :- delete the folder and folder's file
11.touch :-create the file
12. cp :- copy
13.mv :- renameEg :- mv (filename.txt) (change the file)
14.cat :-read the file in terminal
15.echo :-show our type
16.unzip :- unzip the file
17.tar xvf :-xvf file change
18.uname :-show the plat form
19.uname :-a:-full details about your OS
20.hostname:-show IP address
21.man :-help
22.who :-username and last open date and tim
23.whoami :-username
24.history :- show use commands
25.reset :- reset the terminal
26.ls -R :- show the file and sub file
27.ls -a :- show hidden file
28.tree :- show all file ,subtitled
It is text editor of Ubuntu.
ctrl+o :-save
ctrl+x :-esc
ctrl+a :-come 1st line
ctrl+e :-come 1st line
ctrl+r :-add new file
ctrl+v :- go to last line
ctrl+y :-go to 1st line
Alt+a :-select mood
Alt+a :- copy
Alt+6 :-copy
Ctrl+- :- minimize the screen
Ctrl+0 :- maximize the screen
Ctrl+y :-screen up
Ctrl+v :- screen down
Alt+e :-undo
Alt+u :-to do
Ctrl+n :- make new line
Ctrl+l :- replace
Ctrl+I :-go left
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