
Showing posts from November, 2019

Html vs Html 5

Now that we know what is HTML and what is HTML5, we can look at how the most recent version evolved from its predecessor. The first rudimentary version of HTML was “created” in 1993, with HTML 2.0 coming in 1995. Try to remember the first website you’ve ever seen. Do you see how advanced the new websites are compared to the ancient ones? It’s staggering. Creating something modern using the rudimentary versions of HTML would be extremely hard, if not impossible. The technology to do it simply wasn’t there in the old days, so support for it was similarly lagging. As the capabilities of computers and the Internet grew, developers all over the world continuously reworked HTML with a single goal. To make sure that they can improve website capabilities. After HTML 2.0 came HTML 3.0 in January 1997, but it stayed only a short while (around 11 months), HTML4 came to life. HTML4 was created in 1997 by W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) recommendation and stayed as the foundation of the In

meta tag in html

Definition and Usage It is data  about data. The tag provides metadata about the HTML document.  Metadata will not be displayed on the page, but will be machine passable. Meta elements are typically used to specify page description, keywords, author of the document, last modified, and other metadata. The metadata can be used by browsers (how to display content or reload page), search engines (keywords), or other web services. HTML 5 introduced a method to let web designers take control over the viewpoint (the user's visible area of a web page), through the tag (See "Setting The View-port" example below). ref in ;w3 school

flow chart

What is a Flowchart? A flowchart is a visual representation of the sequence of steps and decisions needed to perform a process. Each step in the sequence is noted within a diagram shape. Steps are linked by connecting lines and directional arrows. This allows anyone to view the flowchart and logically follow the process from beginning to end.


It's a informal high level description of the operating principle of a computer programs  or other algorithms. It  just pre planted to write programs.  We use some element suchas Start, input, if,while... It develops our problems solving skill. It is most important for developer how to write pseudocode? start with the alcoritham you are using,and pharse it using word that are easily transcribed into computer instruction indent when you are enclosing instruction within aloop or a conditional clause avoid word associated with acertain kind computer language.


C is a procedural programming language.It was initially developed by Dennis Ritchie in the year 1972     It was mainly developed as a system programming. It was invented to write operating system. It is a one of the programming languages.and the modern language ideas are base on C. Advantage  C is the building block for many programs  Programs written in C are high portable  Dis advantage   C does not provide object oriented programming concepts  There are no concepts of namespace in C Does not provide Constructor and Destructor.


Python is an interpreter, object oriented high level programming language with dynamic semantics .Its high level built in data structure, combined with typing and dynamic bindings, make it attractive for rapid applications development, as well as for use as a scripting or glue language to connect existing components together.  Python's simple, easy to learn syntax emphasizes readability and therefore  recuse the cost program maintenance.  Python supports module and packages which encourage programs modularity and code reuse.


 Why use java? It's work on different platforms ( windows, mac, linux) It easy to learn and simple use Open source  It is used for  Mobile apps  Desktop apps Web application  Web,app server Game Database  And much more


         It's a cross platform language  that can be used to create sophisticated high performance applications    Developed by Bjarne Stroustrup at bell lap in 1979 as an extension to the C language   Today's It can be found operating system, graphical user interface and embedded systems.     It's is probably and can be used to develop applications that can be adapted to multiple platforms, also which is fun and easy to learn. 

Note js

Note.js is an open source framework that helps developers create dynamic web pages that can run across multiple platforms. It's built on chrome v8, which mean that it uses the same compiler. It's  is used for full stack,  front end, backend development. It simplifies  real time communication between the client and server. Note.JS also has an event driven archchiecture, which allows input and output asynchronous. These are some of the few reasond programmers and developer.

java script

It is a high level,interpreted,scripting language that conforms to the ECMA scripting specification.It main purpose for creating web pages. It design by Brendan Elich. It standalone language in Netscape. It is used made dynamic and special effect on page rollover.roll our and many types of graphics. Today, java script can execute not only in the browser. But also on server, or actually on any device that has a special program call JS. Today java script has a unique  position as the most widely-adopted browser language with full integration with html, css There are many languages that get transpired to JS  and provide certain features . It is recommended to take a look at them, at least briefly after the mattering JS.      JavaScript to program the behavior of web pages In HTML, JavaScript code must be inserted between <script> and </script> tags. JavaScript: A Quick DefinitionJavaScript is a scripting language used to create and control dynamic website c

Ubundu tools

01.pwd     :- present work directory        :-change directory ..     :- Back directory         :- display the folders 05.mkdir   :- create the folder 06.rmdir    :- remove the folder ↳   :- back main folder 08.claer      :- give more space 09.gedit      :-open note pad 10.rm -R     :- delete the folder and folder's file 11.touch     :-create the file  12. cp         :- copy         :- renameEg      :- mv (filename.txt) (change the file)         :-read the file in terminal 15.echo      :-show our type 16.unzip     :- unzip the file 17.tar xvf   :-xvf file change 18.uname   :-show the plat form 19.uname   :-a:-full details about your OS 20.hostname:-show IP address        :-help 22.who         :-username and last open date and tim 23.whoami   :-username 24.history     :- show use commands  25.reset         :- reset the terminal -R         :- show the file and sub file -a 

Gavel club

It is common club,mostly  do in it student and it offices. It has particular rules and regulations. In the gavel we must be speaking English which is the most important rule of gavel club. The main reason of the club is developing the English knowledge and , solved the stage club have president , secretary, toastmaster, timer, a,m counter,grammar, judge. President :- learder of the club Secretary:- read the minutes  Toastmasters:- anger of the club  Timer:- show cards in speech time A,m counter:-when the speak the gavalion makes some a or m so counter is counting the a,m s

Programming fundamentals

1st what is the computer?  It a machine that can be instructed to carry out sequences of arithmetic or logical operation automatically.                       Computer programs                                                          It's a formal language. It comprises a set of instructions that product various kind of output. Machine can only binary.It is not a human friendly language. Nowadays thousands of different human friendly programming language have been created and more are being created every year. 1.Front end languages 2.Back end languages Front end languages  Front end development is mostly used on what some may coin the client side of development. It will be engaged in analyzing code,design, and debugging applications along with ensuring a seamless user experience. Some front language are:- html, css ,JS Back end languages  It refer to the server side of development where you primarily focused on how the side works. It primary respon


It releas every 6 month, which long term support release  evry 2 years. The latest release is 19.10 and most recent long term support release is 18.04 , which is supported until 2023 under public support and until 2028 as paid option  It is an open source  software which was develop by canonical in October 2004. It's available free cost.   Ubundu is name after African philosophy of ubundu, which canonical translate as human to other  or I am what a I am because of who we all are our project about ubthu vs windows


Slack It's a cloud based proprietary intent messaging platform developed by slack technologies. It written in c++,javascript. It's a freemium product. Slack offer many IRC like features including persistent chatrooms organized by topic,private group and direct messaging. Contact including files conversations and people is all searchable with in slack. Also uses can add emoji buttons to there messages, on which other users can then click to express their reactions to messages.     Slack provides mobile app for Android and ios and desktop clients for mas OS,window,linux.It also available in apple watch Trello           It's a web based kannan style list making application. Originally made by fog creek software in 2011. Uses can create boards with servel  columns and move the task between them. Typically columns include task statuses to do,progress,done. The tool can be for personal and business use. We uses for software project management, school butteti